To know me is to love me, i try to tell it how i see it and give it to you how i live it lol ya dig

To know me is to love me, i try to tell it how i see it and give it to you how i live it lol ya dig

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

dumb shhh

I recently got into an argument the other day right.. a girl told me that all atheletes should realize the positoin they are in and never ever should anybody mess up like the "vicks" the "placico's" and the "irvin's" man i told her that you just named 3 people n 3 years lol the police just want to make a story outta somebody every year n athletes are the easiest... i was like if an athlete get a dui its all over the news, even a speeding ticket you see it on thie sports ticker... dont let a girl get mad n say he hit here or threatended her omg shit is gone cause havoc lol not only for the person its gone be bad for the team and the entie franchise... as an athlete you cant allow yourself to slip up n act without thinking tcause the cosequense is too high... but check this out.. there are 32 teams n the nfl right with 55 man rosters plus practice squad n theres like 30 somthing teams n the nba with 15 man rosters n there 30 something teeams n mlb with 30 man rosters n alll you can come up wih is the shhh from years ago like one incident a year... man you gotta be good with that ratio... my point to her was please dont generalize with the athletes like that because i was n still is to heart an athlete n i know what they go through... especially when you young with money there is always somebody tryina get in them pockets wheteher it be they family, some haters, the law, or ome skank... bra is being plotted on lol