To know me is to love me, i try to tell it how i see it and give it to you how i live it lol ya dig

To know me is to love me, i try to tell it how i see it and give it to you how i live it lol ya dig

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Misery loves company

think about it... have you ever been n a relationship that you was tryina make work... tryina stick in there and grow with the next. All you want is for your friends to just help you and support you n your decisions, be there for you when you need them. but all you get from them is girl you need to just cut his ass and yo boys are like bra she aint no good for you lol. then you look at they relationship and realize that this person is lonelier than you are... hahahaha and would love nothing more than for you to spend most if not all your time with them.. and bash the old bf and gf and creep around and slutt bagg n have a partner n crime... so take a look n your circle n see who that is hell you never know it could be you lol .... talk to me!!!!?